How Do I Know If My Marketing Is Working?


Most business owners wonder if we’re getting the biggest bang for our buck possible from our marketing dollars. We’re seeing some traction. But we’re always wondering: Is there some lever I haven’t pulled yet? How much money am I throwing away without knowing it? Could I make better use of that money? 


You shouldn’t have to guess whether your marketing dollars are working. We think it’s critical to evaluate your marketing efforts every month. (It's a crucial part of our process with every client, in fact).

When you partner with Trellis Marketing, we start by helping you clarify your message (checkout our post Are Facebook Ads a Waste of Money? for more on how to do this) and build your media presence. Then, we relentlessly track metrics. 

We truly want to know how effective your marketing really is. Expected metrics vary depending on which platform you’re using to marketing, how strong your marketing has been in the past, and how well known your brand is. A first year business should not expect to have the same brand equity in their customer’s eyes as a brand that’s been around for decades. So let's take Facebook Meta ads for example. On Facebook Meta, getting feedback— click through rates, cost per click, number of clicks, etc— is easy and we track these closely. 

NOTE: If any marketing agency makes a blanket promise about percentage of return without doing their homework on your brand history and marketing efforts, you shouldn’t trust them. That’s a red flag.

After we’ve tracked your metrics closely for several months, we’ll have real data to build on for future campaigns. You’ll have access to all that information so you can answer questions like How is my revenue changing versus my marketing? How many conversions can I actually attribute to this marketing platform? What has changed over time? You’ll be able to properly assess and improve your marketing now that you have real feedback on every aspect. 


It’s possible to know if your marketing is working! We’ve seen clients make really good decisions and grow their business significantly by tracking their metrics. 

Now What

So here’s your homework: 

  1. Open a spreadsheet

  2. Create a row for each marketing platform where you’re spending money (i.e. facebook posts, tv commercials, meta ads, etc). 

  3. Label that first column your current monthly revenue.

  4. Record the most important metrics from each platform (i.e. clicks, likes, etc). Pay attention to the customers who buy. How did they find you? Which platform?

  5. Track your metrics month by month. 

Checkout an example below.

If that sounds overwhelming to you, we’re here to help! Schedule a free discovery call with Trellis Marketing and lets build a marketing plan that works.


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